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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

k so i am in a musical called "Flower Power" and its loud its got hippies in it and if i say myself, its pretty AWESOME!!! haha i love being in musicals cause it gives you something to do. it brings adventure into your life. haha anyways i play a part in it called Miss Fitz. she is a secretary for the famous record producer Max King. well thats all i can say about it cause i cant give very much away. so if you want to know more, go to our performances. they are the 2o, 21 and 22 of march. its 5 dollars for a single person and its 25 for a family of 6! come and enjoy!!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

bekah's life

hi i'm bekah passey and this is my blog so people can get to know me better! so here it is!